(This page has been viewed 404934 times since Sep 8, 2005)
(Author: if you want to add/change/update any information below, please
email me)
- Author's Words:
- I would like to thank all those who have reviewed any of my stories or placed them on their shelves. I welcome feedback, suggestions or requests that can be sent via the ‘send author email’ link below, or direct to velvetfeedback [at] gmail.com. Works in progress include ‘Five Words’ and ‘Short n Sweet’, plus a follow up to ‘A Special Relationship’, and finally, September 2007 should see the start of ‘Penal Colony Nine’, a saga out of the same mould as After the Pestilence.
- Author's Homepage:
- Send Author Email: Click Here to Send
Total 23 Stories by velvetglove