GEORGINA - Chapter 7: Never to See the Light of Day Again
Michael Thomas got the key from his pocket ready to unlock his office as usual, relieved that the lower levels of the pit would now reopen. He was surprised when he nearly fell over a filthy body sprawled against the front of his door. Not having carried a lamp as there was a full moon he opened the door so the gaunt carcass fell forward onto its face, he could see it had long lank hair plastered with mud or silt and he carefully stepped over it to light a lamp in the office. He felt strangely excited as, holding the lamp in one hand he grasped one of the body's limp upper arms and rolled it onto its back so he could view its face. He immediately recognised it was Georgina 'Smith'. When he had first seen the sad looking girl with damp mud stained clothes clinging to her slim body, pleading for work, he had dreamt of seeing her as naked as she now lay before him, which was indeed the only reason he had offered to find her a job. Excitedly he knelt and felt her chest, feeling the hollow below her sternum he could just feel her heart still beating, but dark blood slightly stuck his fingers to her skin.
The manager looked across towards the village where candles flickered behind tiny grimy windows as the miners prepared for work. The girl would have to wait for now as he needed to check in the workers who would very soon be heading for the pit head so he dragged her into the office and lay her in the furthest corner. Though she still showed no signs of consciousness he took the precaution of hurriedly binding her wrists behind her back and gagging her mouth with a piece of rag tied tightly behind her head. Before he had a chance to tie her ankles he heard voices at the door as the first colliers arrived.
As Mr Thomas walked to the pit head with his ledger after locking the office door he recalled how he had often watched Georgina, in the half light before dawn, waiting to descend; hoping she would strip at least some of her clothing before climbing to sit on the iron crossbar with Benjamin Hopkins. At last, only a couple of weeks ago, she had finally taken to stripping off the remnants of her already indecently revealing cotton shirt at the pit head before starting work, but always with her back to him. He would stare at her pale colourless skin stretched tight over ribs and vertebrae, but never once did she turn her body towards him so he could only try to imagine her breasts and hollow tummy. With jealousy he had visualised what it felt like for Hopkins as he grasped her tight to his bare torso. Was there further intimacy between them in the darkness of the pit?
"I said, is the water right down again now?" repeated one of the hewers, bringing Mr Thomas back from his wandering thoughts.
"Yes... Yes, the surveyor found a blockage in the adit and cleared it" he replied. Watching one of the hurriers nonchalantly discard her coarse chemise and turn to talk with a younger girl Mr Thomas thought how that woman's short stocky body and pendulous breasts contrasted with Georgina's long-limbed slender form. He checked the surface workers were all settled to their tasks before returning stealthily in the dim light of dawn to unlock his office, with his heart pounding as he turned the key.
Once inside Mr Thomas quickly locked the door and removed the key. Georgina lay slumped where he had left her. He untied her hands and rolled her onto her back. For several minutes he sat and stared at her, she could have been dead apart from the barely perceptible rise and fall of her chest. He wondered what had happened to Richard Barratt. When he and the surveyor had seen the sudden torrent of muddy water gush out of the mouth of the adit, and watched as it continued for at least five, perhaps ten, minutes before slowly abating to a brownish black trickle they were both so convinced that the two youngsters must have perished that they didn't even need to mention them to each other as they turned away and headed back to the pit. The manager had been relieved that he could now consider reopening the pit, for as things had been recently with its owner, Earl Rawtenstall, he doubted that the money to sink a shaft from the surface to clear the blockage would have been forthcoming and the future even of his own job would have been in doubt.
As the first grey light of dawn entered through the grimy windows of his office, he bent forward and pulled her left leg slightly to one side to get a better view of her sex. The growing daylight gave more colour than the pale moonlight had. He could now see that her battered, still bleeding, body was streaked reddish brown and grey with mud, blood and coal dust. He stepped over her, grasped a slender wrist and dragged her torso sideways a foot or two across the floor so her arms were now spread wide which he felt better displayed her chest and stretched her belly exaggerating its slightly concave curve from her hips to her prominent ribs. He reflected that Benjamin Hopkins certainly didn't appear to have been over generous in feeding or paying his latest assistant.
Increasingly excited, the bulge in his trousers grew as he regretfully recalled that Mrs Thomas didn't like him groping her or seeing her naked by either candle or day light. But now it seemed that fortune had provided him with a helpless female body with which he could do whatever he willed.
Suddenly he could contain his lust no more. He removed his jacket and waistcoat, then bent down and tightly grasped a pert breast in each hand. As he squeezed even tighter he was surprised to feel a warm liquid squirt from each nipple over his hands – did that mean she with child? Looking down he saw however that it was bright red blood issuing from deep cuts where her nipples had been almost torn from her breasts! The sight of fresh blood drove him into a frenzy and he tried to drag her up on to his table by her tits, but after stretching to an unnaturally flat elongated shape they slipped from his grasp and she dropped back onto the floor. Changing his grip to her hollow armpits he hauled her roughly up and onto the small table, knocking over a mug and an open bottle of ink, where she lay with her head and lifeless limbs hanging limply over the edges. He grasped her thighs, pushing her unresisting legs apart, before unfastening his breeches and dropping them and his drawers to the floor. He grabbed her hips and pulled her onto his erect cock, but he couldn't get it into her dry vagina. So he roughly stretched her labia apart with the fingers of both hands then forcefully wriggled two, then three, fingers of his right hand into her canal. Steadying her with the flat of his other hand pushing down into her belly, firmly pushing her pubic bone towards him, he furiously twisted his fingers enlarging her hole so he could get the fourth finger of his right hand in. Mrs Thomas never let him pleasure her with more than one finger. He roughly screwed his fingers further in, he felt her soft tissues becoming slightly moist but looking down he saw thin streaks of blood on his fingers, either from his probing fingernails scratching her or perhaps from tearing due to how much he was stretching her passage.
He knew he should be ashamed of the abuse he was subjecting the girl to, but his cock felt as though it was swelling to burst and he withdrew his fingers sufficiently for him to also insert his thumb then viciously thrust his whole hand in, trying to stifle a yell of excitement as his other hand pressing flat on her belly felt the thrusting of his right hand deep inside her.
He quickly withdrew his blood-smeared hand and thrust his throbbing penis into her easily this time. He pumped ecstatically at her lifeless cunt while kneading and clawing at her breasts and raking her ribcage with his fingernails leaving fresh bleeding marks on her already scarred body. Mrs Thomas was always telling him not to 'keep poking' at her and nagging him not to be rough when making love, but now he could subject this pliant young, though possibly fast expiring, body to his darkest fantasies.
He ecstatically came all too quickly, ejaculating deep inside her, then dropped forward to lie on her still body staring at the fine features of her grazed yet still elegant face inches from his own.
With a start he came back to reality, there was paperwork to process, hauliers' bills to be replied to and he hadn't checked on the surface workers sorting the coal from the slag. Hurriedly dressing he looked round his office, broken crockery, pens, pencils and loose invoices were scattered across the floor and he stared at a large puddle of blue ink which was slowly soaking into the floorboards by his overturned chair.
Once he had hastily tidied the worst of the mess he turned his attention back to Georgina. From a chest in the corner he got out an old shirt and pair of trousers he had kept for the rare occasions when out was necessary for him to descend into the pit. Struggling with the girl's limp uncooperative limbs it took longer than he expected to pull his old clothes onto her . He then lay her carefully on the floor beneath the window with her arms by her side before leaving the office, locking the door.
Georgina slowly regained consciousness, every part of her body aching painfully. Looking about her she was relieved to see that she was safe on Mr Thomas's office. However when struggled to her feet her left ankle was so swollen and painful that she hesitated to put any weight on it, while her crotch stung as she moved her legs. She felt that her vagina had perhaps filled with grit and mud as she was deluged by the flood of mud and coal dust in the adit. She sat down on the chair by the table, spreading her legs to ease the pain, and wondered how long she had been unconscious. Would Mr Thomas return soon? She was so thirsty, she looked around the room, there were several mugs on a shelf near the unlit stove. She hobbled over and filled one with cold water from a large kettle on top of the stove and drank it eagerly, she refilled the mug and shakily returned to sit at the table.
Soon afterwards she was pleased to hear Mr Thomas returning. As he entered he looked at her, slumped over his table, in surprise. He asked how she felt, but before she even finished her answer he was questioning her about what had happened to Richard Barratt and where he was now. Georgina explained about the wall of fallen stones he had dislodged and how she had dragged his body out of the adit. Mr Thomas immediately insisted she lead him there. Though barely able to even stand with pain and fatigue she managed with him supporting and dragging her to get back down to the outlet of the adit and point out the filthy battered carcass. Had she not told him who it was Mr Thomas would not have recognised the torn flesh and bone, which already appeared to have suffered from the attention of crows, foxes and the like; with empty eye sockets and its stomach torn open.
Sickened, Georgina asked Mr Thomas about his offer of money to Dick if he cleared the obstruction in the adit, which had directly led to his death.
"I never made any such offer" he lied, "Check with the surveyor if you don't believe me."
"You were speaking with Dick alone while the surveyor was explaining the measuring chain to me" she retorted, "I should get at least the five pounds cash you promised, it would have cost scores of pounds to have cleared it from above!"
Mr Thomas's furious punch to her lower belly took her totally by surprise', she doubled in pain and fell forward into the brook gasping for breath. "You'll say no more about adits, promises of money or clearing roof falls to anyone" he snarled, a further kick, to her chest, sending her back in as she struggled out of the shallow water.
The manager had only promised the poor boy a reward because he was confident that success in clearing the adit would lead to his certain death. He had no authority from the Earl of Rawtenstall to make such an offer, and feared that neither would he have paid for any work to clear it in order to keep the colliery open.
Shocked, Georgina again crawled dejectedly out of the brook, looking up at Mr Thomas in disbelief. "I think you murdered Richard Barratt" he sneered. "He tried to fuck you, so you madly attacked him and killed him."
"No!" she screamed back at him.
"Everyone saw you with him the night after Helen Stewart's death" he pointed out. "Bring his body back to the pit" he commanded.
"I can't" she weakly replied.
He kicked her in the face as she looked pleadingly up at him. "You will" he stated "or hang for his murder here, from that tree."
Blood trickling from her nose she reluctantly tried to obey. Half crawling, she dragged the carcass by one wrist for a few yards across the ground before collapsing. Mr Thomas grasped her filthy long hair and lifted her head up so he could see her terrified eyes then looked down to see that the shirt he had provided her with was now ripped open and bloodstained down the front, he spat in her face snarling "Don't stop you lazy whore."
In the end Mr Thomas had to grasp the corpse's other wrist and help her drag it to lie on the ground near his office. Georgina was shaking with confusion and fear as he tied her arms tightly behind her back, thrusting her chest forward so that one breast was bared by the open front of her shirt. He then pushed her to the floor of his office tying a rope round her neck, securing the other end to the stove, to await the end of the shift.
The pit workers stared, puzzled, at the ravaged carcass in front of which they had been assembled. Mr Thomas walked past them into his office and immediately came back out roughly pushing Georgina, battered and bloodstained, in front of him. She waddled unsteadily with her legs apart, the front of her shirt torn open to the waist and her head bowed so her matted hair covered her face as she stared down at her feet.
"This evil bitch did that to Richard Barratt there" announced the manager, pointing at the unrecognisable corpse on the ground. "She couldn't just say no to him and push him away when he made advances to her yesterday, she went crazy, strangled him unconscious then beat and slashed at him until he bled to death."
"Hang her!" shouted one of the miners.
The manager continued "She should be sent to the gaol and tried for murder, for which she would indeed hang for certain" but he paused a few moments before continuing "However the court would learn that we still employ women, and children, underground in contravention of the new law. So in everyone's interest I have decided we shall deal with her ourselves."
"Yes, hang her down the shaft" someone shouted.
Someone else added "Let us fuck her to death first!" Although Georgina did here a female voice muttering quietly "Poor cow, I saw that little bugger molesting her a few weeks ago outside the tavern."
She tried to turn away from the crowd but a sharp tug at her bound wrists made her fall back against Mr Thomas then sag to her knees.
"I have no authority to hang anyone" he stated, adding "So I have decided she can spend the rest of her life working the top end of the half yard mine, where poor Richard Barratt here used to work. For every ton of coal she can get to the pit eye she can can be given a chunk of bread or something, otherwise she can starve – it will be her choice."
"Won't she run away at night? Or are you planning on keeping her at your house between shifts?" queried one of the hewers, to a few suppressed laughs.
The manager wearily replied "Didn't I explain clearly enough, once she's down there she can stay down there, never to see the light of day again."
"Bastard! You ...." Georgina started screaming hysterically, cut short by a harsh kick to her belly which sent her sprawling breathless onto her back, her open shirt falling off her shoulders as she writhed. To the disappointment of most of the assembly Mr Thomas gagged her then dragged her back into his office. Before retiring for the night he did however temporarily release her while he gave her a mug of weak black tea and some rather dry bread.
The following morning Georgina's aching stiffness was made worse by the fact that she had spent the night on the office floor with her wrists and ankles bound together. When the manager returned to his office, once the workers had descended just before dawn, she was unbound and led to the pit head where Ben Hopkins waited, shuffling uncomfortably and avoiding eye contact with her. There she was told to strip, she removed the tattered shirt and tried to hand it to the old woman waiting by the signal bell, but Mr Thomas said "She won't be needing that again, just throw it away" then, turning to stare at Georgina ordered "And the trousers please, Miss."
She glared back at him, then took a step towards the shaft. Mr Thomas roughly pulled her back by her left arm "Ben, remove her trousers please."
"Stop, I'll take them off" she interjected, quickly dropping the trousers to her ankles and stepping out of them, conscious of Mr Thomas's continuing stare.
"Shall I go down with her?" asked Ben.
"No!" Mr Thomas jealously responded "You can tie her hands to the cable if you want to make sure she doesn't fall."
"Why not bind her wrists to the cross bar and let her hang by them?" Ben then suggested salaciously.
Although the image evoked by Ben's suggestion appealed to Mr Thomas he didn't want any create any impression that he was taking advantage of Georgina's misfortune so he promptly disparaged that idea but watched, with some consolation, as the slender naked girl's bloody subjugated battered body squirmed with the agonizing pain from the pressure of the hard iron cross bar and the winch cable against her swollen vagina. She winced, drawing in her stomach, then threw back her head and screamed obscenities at them as she disappeared from view down the shaft.
As he turned away Mr Thomas did feel some regret that he would probably never see her again.
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