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Book Project


Collected by skullblade

more to like (27 stories listed)

another set i like (47 stories listed)

females in self bondage (7 stories listed)

  • Diary of Carolyn: by Skull Duggery
    (Synopsis: This is a compilation of author's personal diary from the age of thirteen to about age nineteen. It is a fairly detailed description of her experiences in self imposed bondage and personal pain infliction.)
  • The Discovery of My Submissiveness: by cuntpuppy
    (Synopsis: Laura discovers she is born to be a sex slave at a very young age. This is the story of her journey into the humilislut she so longed to be all her life.)
  • The Museum: by Bondalis31
    (Synopsis: A woman with bondage fantasies kept secret puts herself in a torture device for a whole night. She will endure pain and pleasure, and discovers that a deep unconscious dream just came true thanks to the man she loves…)
  • My risky self bondage escapade: by Ashleigh Ishelwood
    (Synopsis: I tie myself in what becomes one of my more risky self bondage sessions.)
  • The Belt: by hids
    (Synopsis: A woman unpacking in her new home finds a belt that reminds her just how far she’s come since the first time she used it to punish herself at his behest.)
  • From Recluse To Slave: by Saucy Writing
    (Synopsis: Louise, a university student, gets ready for a wild weekend, only to find herself in a bit of a predicament.)
  • The Crawl: by Night Owl
    (Synopsis: Julie is very proficient at tying herself up. Now she has a plan to really test her skills, only to realize when it\'s too late, that she has gotten more than she bargined for!)

stories i like (21 stories listed)

NIS (2 stories listed)
Nude In School

enf (2 stories listed)


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