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Book Project


Collected by skullblade

more to like (27 stories listed)

another set i like (47 stories listed)

females in self bondage (7 stories listed)

stories i like (21 stories listed)

NIS (2 stories listed)
Nude In School

enf (2 stories listed)

  • Enslaved by my Daughter: by Carrie Walker
    (Synopsis: Cassandra, a successful lawyer, is taken by surprise by her daughter Carrie, and turned into a complete slave. She is eventually humiliated, exposed to her family, her friends and neighbors her fellow employees at the law firm where she is employed. She is ultimately further and further humiliated and degraded, until Carrie has taken her entire life away from her. I am Carrie, the daughter, and my mother is my slave property in real life. many of the things in the story really happened. But this is not the way it actually happened, it is really an early fantasy of mine, from \"before\", about how it MIGHT happen.)
  • Tracey and the Waterslide: by Jake Olive
    (Synopsis: Tracey lands her dream advertising job but finds that her new company has a better use for her special talents than putting an ad campaign together.)


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